Towing after a dismasting

Reading time: 1 minute approximately

It happens that the dinghy dismasts, it can happen because of a mast breakage (on the laser at the sleeve) or because of a mast foot breakage. In any case, it is impressive and should not be taken lightly.

Preparation of the tow #

The list of operations to perform (this list is not exhaustive):

  • Make sure all crew are okay.
  • Check where the current is coming from. Set the grappling hook in operation.
  • Clear all floating elements to free the hull.
  • Put the mast long and secure it. Be careful with the link bar which is fragile.
  • Pass the reefing line to the towing boat which hooks it to its crow’s foot.

If there is any doubt about the ability to tow in good conditions, tie an escape knot and watch the line that allows you to cast off. If there is any danger, simply pull the line to release the tow. Remember that one boat to tow is a more enviable situation than two boats to tow…

If the towing line is too short, take a sheet. The longer the line the better. Try to aim for about 3 boat lengths.

If the swell is large, you need a line at least as long as the wave length.

Start towing #

Start the tow:

  • The towed boat should steer the course.
  • Expect windward angles and lower speed (greater drift).
  • If the wind is strong, sail at reduced speed. The equipment is not designed to withstand this kind of repeated effort.
  • As a general rule, all the maneuvers are unchanged, you must take more space to do them and be more frank on the restarts.
  • In case of beach arrival in the rollers, unhook the front trailer and the towed boat finish with the paddle.