🗺 Markup and map

Lateral marks #

The side markers are used to mark the channels reserved for sailboats and boats. **Their direction is always given for a vehicle coming from the open sea to the harbor.

Classic channel #

  • Any green, conical-shaped marker should be left to starboard when entering the harbor.
  • Any red markings, cylindrical in shape, should be left to port when entering the harbor.
Classic channel side markings

Classic channel side markings

Mnemonic: “When entering the harbor, I wear a green knit and two so-red socks”.

Favorite Channel #

Lateral marks with preferred channel

Lateral marks with preferred channel

If a channel splits, the side channel marks have an additional horizontal striped band.

Cardinals #

Cardinals are used to mark a hazard. It’s important to look at the chart to determine the exact nature of the hazard and how to deal with it effectively.

A cardinal marker indicates the safe area in relation to the hazard Example: A south cardinal marker is placed south of the hazard, so you must pass south of it to avoid it.

Cardinal markers

Cardinal markers

The color marking corresponds to the points of the cardinal:

  • North: Black band at the top
  • South: Black band at the bottom
  • East: Black stripes at the top and bottom
  • West: Black band in the center
Mnemonic means for the West and East cardinals

Mnemonic means for the West and East cardinals

We can draw the outline of the cardinal tag’s indicator to determine its type. W indicates West, E indicates East.

Be careful at low tide with turret or pole beacons: it is possible that the high water mark will lead one to think of a black band.

Other marks #

Isolated danger #

This marker indicates a hazard of limited extent. It is placed on or near the hazard.

Isolated hazard marker

Isolated hazard marker

Safe Waters #

This marker signals that there is no danger around it. It can be seen at the entrance to channels or at sea as a marker for a traffic separation scheme.

Safe water marker

Safe water marker

Near Beach Marker #

This marker indicates an area subject to special regulations. We can mention the buoys near the coast: 300m zone, exit and entry channels for beach equipment, …

Marker near the beaches

Marker near the beaches

Serious New Hazard #

This mark identifies hazards that are not yet marked on the maps. The new hazard is indicated by a combination of 2 laterals, or 2 cardinals very close together (20 meters…). In this case, the marks keep their meaning. Their doubling can